As I sit here with my mother-in-law posting Great Grandma's furniture on Craigslist, I am reminded of the fact that I have no eye candy to share with you today. Although Paul and Doris were so kind as to let me run up to the house post-babies-in-bed to check things out with Jeff, it was too dark to capture the beauty that ensued today. So I shall leave you with a quick recap to wake up to...and do my best to get some pictures posted over nap time tomorrow.
The wood floors were stained today and are looking G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! We matched the existing stain that we finished the upper level floors with back in November. The only difference is that we kept the existing red oak wood floors upstairs, but replaced the main level with new white oak floors. All woods take stain differently, the natural light will be the final test to our stain matching capabilities.
The second section of the roof was also built out today (reference yesterday's post for more details) and completed. With that, they were able to finish up siding one whole side of the house and it's looking fantastic. Stay tuned for more photos.
Today we had our first of two masonry companies out to bid our concrete project on the back side of the house. The project includes removing the existing patio and steps (to what is now a non-existent door) and pouring a new back stoop and sidewalk leading out to the garage. Our second company will be out to bid the project tomorrow morning along with a second exterior painter. When I'm gathering bids, I never pair less than two companies against eachother. Ideally, I would suggest having 3 bids to get a really good idea of what a 'good price' is...but at this point in the project, I'm tired, sick of bids, sick of meeting people and explaining things for the umpteenth 2 will have to suffice;-)
The first finish coat goes on the floors tomorrow morning and we can begin airing the house out at 12pm in an effort to be able to spend the night there tomorrow. Because we are waiting on the final finish coat until after the cabinetry is complete and all the workers are permanently out of the house, it isn't as important that we retain little to no air flow in the house (following a final finish coat, there should be no air flow in the area for a minimum of 12 hours). Hopefully tomorrow we are posting from home:-)
On with the show! A big thanks to the Guy upstairs for the beautiful weather this week. It sure is keeping this mama happy and optimistic about my June 3rd, HOME COMPLETE deadline!
Let's be honest, I can't do a post without a single are a few recent ones off my camera:-) Enjoy!
My hunk with my two baby girls up at my parent's cabin:-)
Biker chick.
At bath time, I always seem to have an adopted 3rd child to suds up.
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