Lots to cover today. First of all, more progress on the exterior and thank Heaven above for the gorgeous day. With Jeff having the day off, we spent nearly the entire day outside basking in the rays, playing with the kids and working on little projects. The exterior crew plugged away on the front entrance and were able to completely tie up all the (many, many) details by the close of the day. I know I have said it a million times before, but there is an enormous amount of detail and trim on this house - the fact that it took two men an entire day to complete this front overhang is a true testament. BUT, it's looking out of this world and the entryway just beckons guests to walk this way.
Not much new on the interior today. They were back to regrout the newly laid (and previously chipped) tiles - so that area of the flooring is completely tied up. They were also here laying out trim so they are ready to fly the first chance they get.
Just a refresher that Monday starts sanding/staining of wood floors (a 3 day process) and also starts the roof on the exterior. It's going to be a hugely productive week...and there's a chance that the first of the cabinetry could be ready for installation by the end of the week. Whoop, whoop!
Now that we've covered the daily update...I had a few other fun things going on today. First off, I began the refinishing process of the Craigslist dresser I picked up. I won't go into too much detail since I'm hardly a seasoned veteran in this arena...but a good lesson from my neighborhood Ace Hardware and I'm well on my way. Here are a few progress shots from today (I have a LONG way to go...but would love to have it ready for stain by the end of the weekend).
Second, my favorite girl who knows all things color and design was here today to give me some guidance on our master bedroom drapery. I took a stab at checking a few different vendors out, browsed through a few fabric books and immediately turned around and walked right back out the door - SO not my forte. So I gave Jenn our duvet and asked her if she might be able to make a selection for us. Well, she struck fabric gold and the drapery is officially underway. This will be the final window to cover on our upper level (thank goodness!) and Jeff and I can finally seek solace in our own little oasis. Here's a glimpse at the fabric (a dramatic horizontal stripe).
Above is a black and white image of the pattern and below is an image of the fabric with the duvet.
There are 3 colors in the fabric...as you can ALMOST see in the image above...
Finally, when Jenn was over and looking at our bedroom, she felt like we needed to flip flop our bedside tables. She felt it balanced the room out more and kept things feeling open and light. Your opinion please, which layout do you prefer (I won't tell you which was 'before' and which is 'after'...either way, excuse the unfolded laundry on the bed;-)?
Option #1
Option #2
We have a busy rest of the weekend ahead which means Monday will be here before we know it. Next time I post, I hope to be talking ALL about shingles...keeping my fingers crossed!