Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Weather Delay

Ever wonder what a weather delay looks like? Let me show you:

The exterior was on halt today while we reverted back to Christmas. Yes, it was Christmas in our house today as announced by Rosemary upon waking and catching a glimpse of the blustery snow storm outside. So we stayed pretty well planted today in an attempt to deny that there really was 5" of snow blanketing our almost melted existence. Let's hope this is short lived.

In the meantime, work continued on the interior with the electrician forging ahead in his quest for an ambient lit house. There are a few loose ends to tie up for all three subs prior to inspection day. But as it stands, everything is moving along on schedule.

The exterior crew plans to return tomorrow to frame the front overhang. VERY excited (and a little bit nervous) to see it come together. Of course it won't look complete without the addition of the decorative side brackets below each overhang. However, I'm waiting on ordering those until I see how the final dimensions measure up once the overhang is framed. I am ordering the brackets through Pro Wood Market. We purchased brackets for our previous house through them and I was incredibly impressed with their quality and timeliness (only a week to get them, and they are all custom made!) Here are the ones we are putting on this house under the front and back overhangs and cantilever.

Finally, you've often heard me refer to Gloria as a 'fussy' baby. Well, today, amidst one of her ear piercing meltdowns, desperation led me to place her in a box. No, not a covered box with a shipping label to Guam adhered (it crossed my mind;-), but rather a simple, clear plastic tub filled with toys for her to crawl around in. Let's just say, the plastic tub now sits upon a pedestal in our house. It was so fun watching her play and actually enjoy herself for a few moments!

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